Configure endpoint connections

To specify an IP subnet in IPv4, you must specify the subnet address and the subnet mask.

prefix.ConnectionType = Endpoint

prefix.SubnetAddress =

prefix.SubnetMask =

As IPv6 addresses are much longer than IPv4 addresses, the subnet mask notation is not used for IPv6. Both IPv4 and IPv6 support Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation, which specifies the length of the subnet prefix after the subnet address.

prefix.ConnectionType = Endpoint

prefix.Subnet =

prefix2.ConnectionType = Endpoint

prefix2.Subnet = 2001:db8:d005:ee::/64

Note: The gateway does not support IPv6 subnets with the SubnetAddress / SubnetMask notation.

When an endpoint connection is defined in the gateway, by default it tries to locate all endpoints with any IPv4 address.

prefix.ConnectionType = Endpoint

Previously to configure an endpoint connection for IPv6 the default Subnet had to be overwritten.

prefix.ConnectionType = Endpoint

prefix.Subnet = \::/0

To configure an endpoint connection that tries to locate all endpoints with IPv6 addresses, you can now use Endpoint6 instead.

prefix.ConnectionType = Endpoint6