Configuring multiple computer groups

Before you begin

You must have Administrator privileges or use the Manage Computers Group role to configure user accounts to include multiple computer groups.

About this task

This feature enables non-Administrator users to view ranges for computer group compliance data by granting the user access to multiple computer group during user creation or user account updates.


  1. Log in to Security Compliance and Analytics as an Administrator or using the Manage Computer Groups role.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Management. Select User from the dropdown menu.
  3. From the Managers: Users window, create a new user.
    1. Enter the details for the following fields:
    2. From the Computer Groups dropdown menu, select the computer groups that the new user will be associated with.
    3. Enter then confirm a password.
    4. Enter the email address.
  4. From the top navigation menu, click Reports. Click Import Now.

What to do next

To confirm if the multiple group was configured correctly, login to the new user account that has more than one computer group associated with it.