Creating a new database user

After creating a database instance on the machine where the Microsoft SQL Server is installed, if you do not want to use the SA user for the database connection, you must create a new user with SA Privileges.

To create a new user for a specific database instance, for example TEM91, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. In the Connect to Server panel, specify the following parameters:
    Server Type
    Database Engine
    Server Name
    <DB_HOSTNAME>\<INSTANCE_NAME> If the server hostname is NC118103 and the instance name is TEM91 the server name is: NC118103\TEM91.

  3. From the portfolio, select Security -> Login -> New Login.
  4. In the General tab, specify the User Name and the credential for SQL Server Authentication.
  5. In the Server Roles tab, select sysadmin and click OK.