Re-enabling Updates Following a Rollback

About this task

After a rollback, you must clear the rollback flag setting attached to patterns on your CPM clients to re-enable manual, cloud, and/or automatic pattern updates. The same holds true even for pattern files that were not included in the rollback: all pattern files updates will be on hold after a rollback until their individual flags have been lifted. You can lift the flag on all pattern files at once or on selected files.


  1. From the console menu, click Endpoint Protection on the bottom left pane.
  2. From the upper left navigation pane, go to Core Protection Module > Updates > Other Update Tasks > Core Protection Module - Clear Rollback Flag. The Task Description window opens.
  3. Below Actions, click the hyperlink to open the Take Action window.
  4. In the Target tab, click All computers with the property values selected in the tree list below and then choose a property that will include all the computers you want to deploy this Action to.
  5. Click OK. At the prompt, type your private key password and click OK. The Action | Summary window opens.
  6. Check the "Status" of the Action to confirm that it is "Running" and then "Completed".
  7. Close any open windows to return to the console view.