Exempting Programs from Spyware Detection

About this task

You can add programs that you do not want CPM to detect as spyware to the Spyware Approved List (the Approved List is analogous to exceptions in the CPM Firewall). In addition, you can create different sets of Approved Lists and target them to different computers. This is especially useful, for example, if you want your Help Desk people to be able to use certain diagnostic tools, but also want those same tools to be removed from any non-authorized computers.


  1. From the console menu, click Endpoint Protection on the bottom left pane.
  2. From the upper left navigation pane, go to Core Protection Module > Configuration > Spyware Approved List > Spyware Approved List Wizard. The Spyware Approved List Wizard opens.
  3. Select spyware from the reference list on the left list and click Add to include it in the spyware list on the right (those programs on the right will be exempted from future detection). Choose multiple names by holding the Ctrl key while selecting.
  4. Click Create Spyware Approved List Configuration Task when you are finished selecting programs for exclusion. The Edit Task window opens.
  5. Edit the Name field and use the Description tab to edit it, so it clearly identifies the purpose of this custom Task.
  6. Edit the Description and the Relevance tabs if necessary, to reflect your goals.
  7. Click OK. At the prompt, type your private key password and click OK. The Task Description window opens, and the Task is added below New Spyware Approved List Task... in the CPM Dashboard.
  8. Below Actions, click the hyperlink to open the Take Action window.
  9. In the Target tab, click All computers with the property values selected in the tree below and then choose a property that will include all the computers you want to deploy this Action to.
    • Execution: Set the deployment time and retry behavior (if any).

    • Users: This option works in combination with Target, linked by the AND operand (both conditions must be present for the install to occur).

    • Messages: Configure these options to passively notify the user that the install is going to occur, to obtain consent, or to ask users to stop using their computer while the install occurs.

  10. When finished identifying the computers you want to include in the exception, click OK. At the prompt, type your private key password and click OK.
  11. The Action | Summary window that opens, monitor the "Status" of the Action to confirm that it is "Running" and then "Completed".
  12. Close any open windows to return to the console view.