Manual Scan Results

The Manual Scan Results tab displays the result of the most recent Manual Scan. You can choose to view virus/malware or spyware/grayware scanning results.

Note: Closing the client console removes the information displayed on this screen.

The upper half of the screen contains the scan summary and the lower half contains a table with detailed information about any security risk detected during scanning.

Figure 1: Client Console - Manual Scan Results Tab

The following table describes the buttons beside the scan results.

Table 1. Scan Results Buttons and Usage



Clear List

Click this button to remove the information in the table.


To learn more about the security risk, click the security risk name and then click this button.


CPM may not be able to automatically clean some files because the file may be encrypted, in a location that does not allow it to be cleaned, or is a Trojan or worm. See scan results for details.


Delete the virus or malware file.


Click to change the extension of the file to .VIR, (or to .VI0, .VI1, and so on if there is more than one) to prevent yourself or other users from opening it accidentally.


The Clear, Delete, and Rename buttons apply only to virus/malware scan results if the scan action (configured by the CPM administrator) is Pass. Pass means that CPM detected the file but did not take any action. CPM allows you to clean, delete or rename the file.