Manual Scans

The Manual Scan tab displays a folder tree that shows your disk drives, folders, and files as they appear in Windows™ Explorer®. Network resources such as Network Neighborhood or My Network Places do not display.

Manual Scan is an on-demand scan that starts immediately after a user clicks the Scan button the client console. The time needed to complete the scan depends on the number of files scanned and the hardware resources of the client computer.


When an end user initiates a Manual Scan from the CPM client console, the scan settings reflect the latest settings configured by the administrator for an On-Demand Scan. For example, an administrator might schedule an On-Demand Scan on every Thursday 12:00 PM that scans all file types. Then the administrator might run an On-Demand scan with different scan settings, maybe scanning only for .EXE files, at 14:00 PM. If an end user runs a Manual Scan at 15:00 PM, and the administrator has not changed the settings, the end user’s Manual Scan will only scan for .EXE files, not all file types.