
To create a Category, admin must validate whether the specific category is available on the user machine or not. If the validation is successful, the new category can be created.

Admin can perform the following actions:

Create Category

Edit Category

View Category

Delete Category

Create Category

  1. Admin can "Create" a category by clicking on the Create button on the top right corner of the category page.
Figure 1. Figure 62 – Category Page
  1. The following screen appears:
Figure 2. Figure 63 – Create Category
  1. Populate the following fields:

Name: Name of a Specific category

Description: Issue of Specific category

  1. Click Save. The following success message appears:
Figure 3. Figure 64 – Success Message

Edit Category

  1. To edit the details of an existing category, click the edit icon corresponding to the category that you wish to modify.
Figure 4. Figure 65 – Category Page
  1. This redirects to the Edit Category page.
Figure 5. Figure 66 – Edit Category
  1. Modify the details as required and click Update. The following success message appears:
Figure 6. Figure 67 – Success Message

View Category

  1. To view the details of an existing category, click the view icon corresponding to the category that you wish to view. That redirects to the View Category page.
Figure 7. Figure 68 – View Category

Delete Category

  1. To delete an existing category, click the delete icon corresponding to the category that you wish to Delete.
  2. When admin clicks on the delete icon the confirmation message will pop up to delete the category, Click Ok to delete the category or click cancel to cancel the delete action as shown in figure

    If admin clicks on the Ok button category successfully deleted message will pop up as shown in figure