Create Solution

  1. To create a solution, click on Create New Solution on the Solution page.
Figure 1. Figure 25 – Solution Page
  1. The Following page appears:
Figure 2. Figure 26 – Create New Solution
  1. The following fields are to be populated:
  • Name: Name of solution for a category
  • Description: Description for a solution
  • Search Keywords: The most used keyword for a particular solution
  • Type: Different types of solution listed in drop down list
  • Collections: Collections for category
  • Category: Category defines the type of categories (on what user is facing an issue), which is used to resolve solutions.
  • Solution Language: Here admin can find different types of solutions from drop down list for a category.
  • Normal Execution Time: Admin sets the prompt Execution time (in mins), if any solution does not execute, automatically solution gets fail for post execution time.
  • Script Type: Here script is referring to the solution, whether user needs “Online” or “Offline” solution for a category
  • Platform Filed: Type of Operating system.
  • Audit Trails: The process which is used to store the transactions/computation data of a particular item/thing.
  • Admin Privilege Required: Admin can enable this option if for a particular solution admin is required.
  • Username required: Admin can enable this option if for a particular solution Username is required.
  • Do not Show Notification: This checkbox is selected if user does not want notification to be displayed on the application post execution of the solution.
  • Create Incident: If solution fails, admin can create an incident for a particular category.
  • Cab File: Uploading a cab file for a solution.
  1. Click Save. A success message appears, and a solution is created.
Figure 3. Figure 27 – Success Message