Create Support Ticket

To create a support ticket,

  1. Click button.
  1. The Support screen is displayed.
    Figure 1. Figure 41 – Create Support Tickets
    A picture containing table Description automatically generated
    1. Fill in the following details to create a support ticket.
    Table 1. Table 7 – Support Ticket Details
    Field Description
    Support Type

    Select the support category from the following options:

    • Issue
    • Billing and Usage
    • Informational
    • Access and Usage
    • Sales
    Impact Type

    Select the severity of the impact on the user’s performance from the following options:

    • Minimal
    • Minor
    • Significant
    • Critical

    This field is not applicable where the Support Type field selected is Informational.

    Subject Enter the purpose of the ticket
    Description Write brief details about the ticket

    Select the status of the ticket from the following options:

    • New
    • In-Progress
    • Waiting with Client
    • Resolved
    • Closed
    Assigned To Enter the email ID of the super user assigned for the ticket
    1. Click Submit to create a ticket.
  1. The new ticket is listed in the list of support tickets under the Support section. A user can search for an existing ticket from the Search bar given above the list of existing tickets.