
Workflow Process Automation is used to trigger a sequence of flows. The user can drag and drop nodes (from the sidebar) and connect them with each other in order to form the desired sequence. This automation can trigger two types of events: Scheduled or External .

Scheduled events get created in the scheduler service and they are executed at the time set by the user, while External events are the ones that are executed when the user hits them through the BOT Connect API.

The scheduled events are hidden from the scheduler module and the user cannot see them there.

There is a side bar consisting of three labels: Notification, Others and Service Now.

  • Notification consists of four nodes: Custom Mailer, Email, MS-Teams, and SMS. Using notification, one can send the output of the previous node to the specified user.
  • Others consists of four nodes: Action, Conditional Switch, Split, and Trigger Node. Action node triggers an Openwhisk action. Conditional Switch can be used when a user wants to evaluate the previous node’s result and based on that output, the user wants to execute a particular flow. Split node has multiple outputs (minimum of 2 outputs and a maximum of 5). So, a user can connect a single node with multiple nodes, each node having the same previous node’s result. Trigger node is used to trigger another workflow that has already been created.
  • Service Now consists of three nodes: Create Tickets, Update Tickets, and WDS Crawler.

Besides the sidebar, there is the canvas area, or the drop area, where the user can drop the nodes and connect the nodes. It has a start node, which is present by default. It is used to specify the event type, i.e., either external or scheduled.

In the following section, the user gets familiar with Workflow console where one can create a new flow, update an existing flow, and delete flows. The user will also be guided through the procedures on how to do the above-mentioned tasks.