
Healing is a solution where the user can click and run the solution on their own.

  1. After creating automation module with "Healing" solution type, it comes under ready to publish, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 1. Figure 43 – Ready to Publish
  1. On clicking Click to publish, a success message appears:
Figure 2. Figure 44 - Success Message
  1. When the solution gets published successfully, it moves to the Published Solutions section.
Figure 3. Figure 45 – Published Solutions
  1. The Status of a published solution becomes “Published” and it reflects in the automation module under the solution page.
Figure 4. Figure 46 - Published Status
  1. To modify a published solution, the admin must unpublish that solution by clicking on Click to Unpublish.
Figure 5. Figure 47 – Unpublishing a Published Solution
  1. The following success message appears:
Figure 6. Figure 48 – Success Message
  1. The solution starts reflecting under the Ready to publish section again.
Figure 7. Figure 49 – Ready to Publish for OneClick
  1. In the Automation module, the status of the solution is displayed as Submitted. The status of the solution changes to Submitted as the solution is added but not published yet.
Figure 8. Figure 50 - Submitted Status for Oneclick