Local repositories

BigFix provides a method for using local repositories to store patch updates for Solaris 11.

Solaris 11 uses Image Packaging System, which is a network-based package management system.

Regularly updating the endpoints in your deployment is crucial to the success of your organization. Network restrictions often prevent you from getting the latest set of changes from the Oracle hosted repositories. Maintain your own local package repositories to try to limit this restriction. By using local repositories, you can control which updates the endpoints have access to.

You can use the Install packages by using pkg task to install software products and patches that are in your local repositories. For more information, see Deploying Solaris packages.

You can have multiple local repositories in your environment. For example, you might have one local repository that is used to mirror the latest SRU changes from Oracle and another repository that contains only one particular SRU.

BigFix provides the Solaris Image Packaging System Repository Management dashboard to easily configure local repositories to be used for patching Solaris 11 endpoints. For more information about the dashboard, see Solaris Image Packaging System Repository Management dashboard overview.
Note: You must subscribe to the Patches for Solaris 11 site to access Fixlet® content for Solaris 11/11, 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3.

For more information about Solaris 11, see the Oracle website at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23824_01/html/E21803/repo_intro.html.