BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation

Use this section to become familiar with BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation infrastructure and key concepts necessary to understand how it works.

We are pleased to announce that IVR 3.0 is now available under the webUI documentation. For detailed instructions and information on using IVR 3.0, please visit WebUI documentation.

BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation integrates BigFix with sources of vulnerability data. The purpose is to guide BigFix users on how to apply the best patch and configuration settings to remediate discovered vulnerabilities, and thus reduce risk and improve security.

BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation uses advanced correlation algorithms to aggregate and process the vulnerability data with information from BigFix to drive analytics reports. The output of the analytics facilitates remediation through the Baseline Creation Wizard by recommending the latest available patches for the discovered vulnerabilities.

IVR data is available in:
  • WebUI IVR app - it is required to enable WebUI to access IVR data through Insights. For more information on installing IVR app, see Setting up IVR App.
  • BI Tools for Data Analysis - existing IVR reports in PowerBI and Tableau. Refer to the link to find out more about IVR reports.
IVR limitations:
  • Only one source of vulnerability data for automatic ingestion is supported for a given BigFix Insights instance

  • One BigFix WebUI instance can manage only one BigFix Insights database. This limitation means that you cannot simultaneously connect or manage multiple instances of BigFix Insights through one WebUI instance.

Figure 1. Architecture overview of BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation