Get started with IVR

Use the Insights for Vulnerability Remediation (IVR) application to view a list of all the vulnerabilities, remediate vulnerabilities and create customized IVR reports.

Before you start with WebUI IVR, ensure that your environment meets below prerequisites:
  • IVR schema in place
  • The minimum version of IVR schema is 1.4
  • IVR dataflow run and data correlated to Insights exists
  • Insights ETL run

CVE-based fixlet correlation

When correlating fixlets with vulnerabilities, correlation process focuses only on the CVE associated with the vulnerability, disregarding the name of the vulnerability. For example, a vulnerability with a name "CenTos SSL vulnerability" may be associated with Windows fixlets if they have a matching CVE.

Supersedence climbing for Rapid7 and CSV File Imports:
  • Requires that you are subscribed to the Patching Support site
  • Supersedence climbing applies only to fixlet content from the Patches for Windows English site
  • For a given CVE , the fixlet correlation process will locate the fixlet(s) with matching CVE and attempt to climb the supersedence chain to return the latest fixlet that patches the vulnerability