Uninstall manually on a Tomcat Service server

This section describes how to manually uninstall the glass box agent on a Tomcat Service server.

About this task

When glass box is installed on the application server, the installation includes a Java agent and a GBootStrap web application. To uninstall glass box both of these must be removed. This task requires access to your application server.


  1. Undeploy GBootStrap web application:
    1. Log in to Tomcat Manager. The default location is http://<server_name>:<port_number>/manager/html
    2. In the application list, select GBootStrap.war, then click Commands > Undeploy.
    3. When asked to confirm, click OK.
  2. Shut down Tomcat Service.
  3. Remove the Java agent from JVM arguments:
    1. Locate Tomcat JVM at ...\Tomcat 7.0\bin\tomcat7w.exe
    2. Double-click on it, and select Properties > Java tab.
    3. In the Java Options area, remove the following line (if it exists): -javaagent:c:/path/to/gbAgent.jar
    4. Click OK.
  4. Restart Tomcat Service.