Uninstall manually on a JBoss Service server

This section describes how to manually uninstall the glass box agent on a JBoss Service server.

About this task

When glass box is installed on the application server, the installation includes a Java agent and a GBootStrap web application. To uninstall glass box both of these must be removed. This task requires access to your application server.


  1. Undeploy GBootStrap web application:
    1. Log in to the JBoss Administration Console. The default location is http://<server_name>:<port_number>/admin-console/
    2. Click Applications > Web Application WARs, then, in the GBootStrap.war entry, click Delete.
    3. When asked to confirm, click OK.
  2. Shut down the JBoss service.
  3. Remove the Java agent from JAVA_OPTS.
    During manual installation, JAVA_OPTS is edited to include gbAgent.jar. Refer to the installation instructions to remove gbAgent.jar from JAVA_OPTS, and restore JAVA_OPTS to its original state.
  4. Delete the glass box directory from the JBoss server, unless it is still to be used by other web application servers.
  5. Restart the service.