Products with a License

Report showing all Licenses that are licensed as Enterprise, LPAR, or Machine.

Products with a License Enterprise

The report shows all the licenses that are licensed as Enterprise. You can Search for vendors or products using the Search facility. This is case sensitive. The report also allows you to choose which License data Repository you wish to view. To change the Repository, click on the selection box next to License Data: and any Repository data that has been imported is displayed. Select the Repository you wish to view.

Table 1. Report Columns
Column Name Description
Vendor Name of the Vendor.
Product The Asset name of the product.
Feature The feature name of the product.
Version The version of the product.
Repository The name of the Repository being viewed.
PID The PID of the product.
SSPID The IBM S&S PID for the product.
EID The IBM Entitlement ID for the product.
SYSPLEX The name of the SYSPLEX that the product was discovered on.
SYSTEM The name of the System/LPAR that the product was discovered on.
Capacity The Capacity of the License.
Type The type of License being shown. For example, Enterprise, LPAR, or Machine.
MLC For IBM products, if the product is a Monthly License Charge, then a Y is displayed, if not, then a N is displayed.
IPLA For IBM products if the product is IPLA or more commonly known as One Time Charge, then a Y will appear if it is or an N if not.
SUBCAP In this field you will see:
  • Reference based - Applies to z/Architecture IPLA products whose value is based on the value of another product. For example, a reference base Db2® tool would be priced based on the license capacity of Db2®. In this case, Db2® is the parent product of the Db2® tool. reference base IPLA products do not appear on the sub-capacity report because the parent products already appear on the report.
  • z/OS®-based – Applies to IPLA products that run under z/OS® and provide value to the particular machine where the product is used. These products are priced based on the license capacity of z/OS® on the CPC where the product is used. z/OS®-based IPLA products do not appear on the sub-capacity report because z/OS® already appears on the report.
  • Execution based - Applies to z/Architecture IPLA products whose value is based on the processing power of the LPAR in which they run. These products are priced based on the utilization capacity of the LPARs in which they run. Execution-based IPLA products appear on the sub-capacity report if those products execute on a CPC where you run the SCRT.
  • Not eligible or blank
These values only apply to IPLA products that have a Y.
Machine The model and CPU that the product is installed on.
Last Used The date the product was last used.

Products with a License LPAR

The report shows products that are LPAR licensed, and which machines the LPARs are on. You can Search for Vendors or Products using the Search facility. This is case sensitive. The report also allows you to choose which License data Repository you wish to view. To change the Repository next to the License Data, click on the selection box and the Repository data that has been imported is displayed. Select the Repository you wish to view.
Table 2. Report Columns
Column Name Description
Vendor Name of the Vendor.
Product The Asset name of the product.
Feature The feature name of the product.
Version The version of the product.
Repository The name of the Repository being viewed.
PID The PID of the product.
S&S PID The IBM S&S PID for the product.
EID The IBM Entitlement ID for the product.
Sysplex Name The name of the SYSPLEX that the product was discovered on.
System Name The name of the System/LPAR that the product was discovered on.
Capacity The Capacity of the License.
Type The type of License being shown. For example, Enterprise, LPAR, or Machine.
MLC For IBM products, if the product is a Monthly License Charge, then a Y is displayed, if not, then a N is displayed.
IPLA In this field you will see:
  • Reference based - Applies to z/Architecture IPLA products whose value is based on the value of another product. For example, a reference base Db2® tool would be priced based on the license capacity of Db2®. In this case, Db2® is the parent product of the Db2® tool. reference base IPLA products do not appear on the sub-capacity report because the parent products already appear on the report.
  • z/OS®-based – Applies to IPLA products that run under z/OS® and provide value to the particular machine where the product is used. These products are priced based on the license capacity of z/OS® on the CPC where the product is used. z/OS®-based IPLA products do not appear on the sub-capacity report because z/OS® already appears on the report.
  • Execution based - Applies to z/Architecture IPLA products whose value is based on the processing power of the LPAR in which they run. These products are priced based on the utilization capacity of the LPARs in which they run. Execution-based IPLA products appear on the sub-capacity report if those products execute on a CPC where you run the SCRT.
  • Not eligible or blank
These values only apply to IPLA products that have a Y.
Machine The model and CPU that the product is installed on.
Last Used The date the product was last used.

Products with a License Machine

The report shows products that are machine licensed. You can Search for Vendors or Products using the Search facility. This is case sensitive. The report also allows you to choose which License data Repository you wish to view. To change the Repository next to the License Data, click on the selection box and the Repository data that has been imported is displayed. Select the Repository you wish to view.
Table 3. Report Columns
Column Name Description
Vendor Name of the Vendor.
Product The Asset name of the product.
Feature The feature name of the product.
Version The version of the product.
Repository The name of the Repository being viewed.
PID The PID of the product.
S&S PID The IBM S&S PID for the product.
EID The IBM Entitlement ID for the product.
Sysplex Name The name of the SYSPLEX that the product was discovered on.
System Name The name of the System/LPAR that the product was discovered on.
Capacity The Capacity of the License.
Type The type of License being shown. For example, Enterprise, LPAR, or Machine.
MLC For IBM products, if the product is a Monthly License Charge, then a Y is displayed, if not, then a N is displayed.
IPLA For IBM products if the product is IPLA, or more commonly known as One Time Charge, then a Y will appear, if not, then a N is displayed.
SUBCAP In this field you will see:
  • Reference based -Applies to z/Architecture IPLA products whose value is based on the value of another product called the parent product. For example, a reference base Db2® tool would be priced based on the license capacity of Db2®. In this case, Db2® is the parent product of the Db2® tool. reference base IPLA products do not appear on the sub-capacity report because the parent products already appear on the report.
  • z/OS®-based – Applies to IPLA products that run under z/OS® and provide value to the particular machine where the product is used. These products are priced based on the license capacity of z/OS on the CPC where the product is used. z/OS®-based IPLA products do not appear on the sub-capacity report because z/OS® already appears on the report.
  • Execution based - Applies to z/Architecture IPLA products whose value is based on the processing power of the LPAR in which they run. These products are priced based on the utilization capacity of the LPARs in which they run. Execution-based IPLA products appear on the sub-capacity report if those products execute on a CPC where you run the SCRT.
  • Not eligible or blank
These values only apply to IPLA products that have a Y.
Machine The model and CPU that the product is installed on.
Last Used The date the product was last used.