Capturing a specific value

By default, a step attribute captures all possible values for the selected JSON path. When the attribute is specified, any value that is detected for the node becomes the value for the attribute.

About this task

In some situations, you can gather in the step attribute only specified values. For example, suppose that you are tracking the following JSON path:


By default, any step attribute can capture any instance of any value. So, your attribute can capture values such as load, attention, resize, or scroll. Suppose that you are interested in creating a step attribute to track only the scroll values. After you create the step attribute through Replay, you can complete the following modifications to the attribute definition through the Event Manager.


  1. Edit the step attribute.
  2. Click thePost Match Operations caret.
  3. Select the User RegEx check box.
  4. In the RegEx textbox, enter:
  5. To save the change, click Save Draft.
  6. To commit the change, click Save Changes.


Now, the step attribute records only the instances of the scroll value for the specified JSON path.

As an alternative, you can specify a step attribute without using the RegEx portion. When you use the step attribute in an event, specify that the value of the step attribute equals scroll.