Event manager processing of step-based event objects

You can create step attributes through Request view in Replay.

When you create objects through Replay, the Event Manager checks to see if the selected content is already referenced in an existing event object. If so, the Event Manager selects that object for you to edit.

In some cases, the selected event object is provided by Discover and is therefore not editable. For example, Discover provides the CUI Hit hit attribute, which references the contents of the HTTP_X_DISCOVER request variable. When you choose to create attributes or events from the values of this request variable, the Event Manager selects the CUI Hit attribute for you to edit. This hit attribute cannot be edited.

Note: If you want to create more step attributes and events from session data for which attributes or events are already created, you must create them manually through the Event Manager.
Note: There is a known issue in which the DNCA fails to properly recognize UTF-8 encoding in data that is submitted from client frameworks, and the data can be mangled in the stored session, causing issues in eventing and search.

Permissions for creating step-based event objects

To create step attributes, you must have permissions to access the Discover Event Manager, where event-related objects are created in the Portal.

To test access, select Events > Manage Events