Entering FlexNet Licensing Details in Discover Portal

After installing HCL Discover, you get grace period of 30 days to enter the FlexNet Licensing details. Failure to provide Licensing details after 30 days will result in removal of access to the Portal application. Contact HCL Discover Support to restore access the Portal application.

About this task

The FlexNet licensing URL is a cloud-based URL. However, if a local licensing server is running, then complete the following steps to update the device locally, with the entitlements from the cloud, and enter the local FlexNet URL in the “FNO URL” in the field.

To update the licensing details, complete the following steps:


  1. Log in to the Portal application. Use the administator credentials.
  2. Select Discover > Manage Services.
  3. Expand the Master Server.
  4. Select Discover > Shared Configuration Information.
  5. Click View/Edit button.
  6. Provide values for the following fields:
    • FNO URL - Enter the cloud FlexNet URL or the local offline, or online, URL.
    • FNO User Name - Enter the user name assigned in FlexNet for that device. For example, admin.
    • FNO Password - Click FNO Password and enter the Password that set for the Device, or Server, in FlexNet.
    • FNO Device ID - The device ID or server ID in FlexNet.
    • If you are using a proxy to communicate with the FlexNet URL, provide the following details for proxy:
      • Proxy Server URL -
      • Proxy Server User Name -
      • Proxy Server Password -
      • Proxy Server Port -
  7. To save the changes, click Save.
    HCL Discover starts communicating with FlexNet for entitlements and updates the usage counts. Please check in the FlexNet site for the latest usage reports.

    If you need help related to licensing or Portal access, contact HCL Discover Support.