Adding new events and modifying associated dimensions for UAParser

Once the Discover Portal is up and running, add new events and modify associated dimensions, related to UAParser, by executing the following steps on the Discover Portal server:

About this task

Note: For enabling the UAParser events from the old Browsecap.csv, disable the pipeline.


  1. Navigate to the <> location.
  2. Copy the UAParser-Installer-Mapper.bat file from the extracted folder and paste it to the <Discover_Installed_Folder>.
  3. Open the command prompt with administrator privileges and navigate to the <Discover_Installed_Folder> path.
  4. Perform one of the following steps:
    1. Run the UAParser-Installer-Mapper.bat file.
    2. Run the UAParser-Installer-Mapper.bat >> UAParser.log to create a log file.
  5. The UAParser-Installer-Mapper.bat file checks if the DiscoverEvents_12.1.11.tle file exists in the <Discover_Installed_Folder>\system\exported\ folder. If the DiscoverEvents_12.1.11.tle file does not exists in the <Discover_Installed_Folder>\system\exported\ folder, the UAParser-Installer-Mapper.bat file executes the required action.
  6. The UAParser-Installer-Mapper.bat file creates a log file with the name UAParser.log depending on the command line arguments used during Step 4.
  7. If generated, the UAParser.log file contains the output of the UAParser-Installer-Mapper.bat file.
    Note: The UAParser-Installer-Mapper.bat file only runs if the DiscoverEvents_12.1.11.tle file does not exists in the <Discover_Installed_Folder>\system\exported\ folder.