Installing HCL Discover

Installing HCL Discover.

Before you begin

Make sure the operating system, hardware, and software requirements have been met and that you have completed all tasks to prepare for the installation.

Verify that you have access to a Windows user account with administrator permissions. The HCL Discover installer includes panels for setting up databases. If you plan on setting up databases during the installation, make sure your user account has the authorization to set up databases.

Make sure you have obtained the installation files for HCL Discover and that you have access to the directory in which the installation files reside.

About this task

The HCL Discover installer gathers the configuration information for your HCL Discover installation and creates the installation when you click Install.

Installing HCL Discover provides the platform that is required for HCL Discover solutions.

The installation wizard includes panels for installing databases, however, you can choose to install databases after running the installer.

Note: The following installation instructions assume that you are installing HCL Discover for the first time. This process installs the base files and creates the necessary databases. You need to provide the additional information to identify the Data Collector and Report Server if you are not performing a full installation and you are installing an instance of the Discover Portal that does not use the default Data Collector and Report Server settings. The following information is required to configure the Data Collector and Report Server settings.
  • SQL server name and port
  • Database name for the Data Collector and Report Server
  • Database path for the Data Collector and Report Server

After the Discover Portal is installed, you can log in to the portal and click Discover > Manage Portal > Manage Servers to edit the server configuration for your HCL Discover environment.

To install HCL Discover .


  1. Double-click DCSetup.exe to launch the installer.
  2. In the Welcome page, click Next .
  3. In the License page, review the terms of the license agreement and select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next to continue the installation.
  4. Complete the remaining pages in the wizard to set up your HCL Discover configuration.

    The following table lists the pages by name and describes the purpose of the page.

    Table 1. Discover Installer pages

    Page Name Description
    Destination folder

    Use this page to set the installation directory for HCL Discover.

    If you want to install HCL Discover to a location other than the default, click Change and select another location.
    Note: Do not include non-ANSI characters in the installation path.
    Custom Setup

    Use this page to customize the installation.

    The options in the drop-down list next to the component name allow you to control which HCL Discover components are installed and whether to install all of the features for the component.

    Note: HCL Discover validates the selected components. If an invalid configuration is selected, an error message is displayed. To continue the installation, verify that the appropriate components are selected for your installation.

    For information about the options on this panel, click Help.

    Transport Pipeline

    Use this page to set the configuration for the Transport Pipeline.

    • Default Transport Pipeline (No HBR):

      Select this option for an environment with a single Processing Server.

    • HBR Transport Pipeline (w/HBR):

      Health-Based Routing can be installed with the Transport Service.

      In multi-Processing Server environments, HBR can be deployed to manage load balancing and failover between Processing Servers.

      Note: The support for Health-Based Routing was introduced in the release

    The Transport Service receives data to process on a machine separate from the web server to avoid burdening the web server with additional tasks.

    Master Management Server
    Use this page to specify the name or IP address of the Master Management Server. In most configurations, the Master Management Server is the server on which you install the HCL Discover Portal.
    • If you install everything (including Portal) on the same machine, then the Master Management Server is "localhost".
    • In a multiserver topology, where Portal is installed on a different machine, but all of the other components are installed locally, then when prompted, you must enter the name or IP address of the machine where Portal is installed.

    Each machine that is subordinate to the Master Management Server must know the name of the master machine from which it can acquire its configuration information.

    The installer presents a prompt asking if you want to configure the Tracking service. If you click Yes, you are presented with the Tracking Service configuration panel.

    Tracking Service

    Specify a Server and Port and indicate whether you want to install the Tracking Service.

    The server and port information you enter is applied to the common registry used by HCL Discover servers.
    Note: The registry is still available inside Tracking Service component, but other services look at the same registry location.
    During session replay:
    • Replay Server uses the registry keys to get information about where the Tracking service is installed and which port it is running on.
    • Replay Server sends the logging data to the configured tracking service host and port.
    • The Data Service reads the registry keys and pulls information from the same logging service.

    You can modify the Tracking Service configuration in Manage Services after installing HCL Discover.

    Note: If there are multiple instances of the Tracking service, you must specify the same Server and Port on all of these servers. Each of the specified servers determines if it can start with the given server and port information. If a server cannot start, it terminates itself. This way, only one instance of logging server will be available.
    Mail Server

    Use this page to specify the name or IP address of the SMTP Mail server.

    Providing this information is optional. If the mail server is not known, use the default mail value.

    You can change the value that you provide here after the installation is complete.

    Canister Destination folder

    Use this page to set the directory in which the HCL Discover Canister is created.

    If you want to choose another directory, click Change... and select another folder.

    At run time, the system stores sessions in the Canister. In most cases, the Canister is located on a different drive than HCL Discover, mainly because this drive requires a lot of space.

    Report Database

    Use this page to set the configuration for the Report Database.

    If you are installing the report database on the local server, verify the server name and the path for the installation directory and click Next.

    If you want to install the report database on a remote server, enter the name of the machine (or IP address), and the port number.

    At the Should the installer set up the SQL Reporting database(s)? screen, click Yes to install the database or click No to install the database at a later time.

    Note: If you select Yes to set up the Reporting database at install time, but do not have the required authorization to do so, the installation finishes with errors and the Reporting database is not set up.
    Online Help

    Use this page to set up access to the online help.

    If you do not know the user name and password to enter, you can leave the fields blank and enter them later through the Discover Portal.

    Point of Contact

    Use this page to set contact information for the HCL Discover Administrator at your site.

    The Point of Contact is the individual to contact when Discover users have questions about user accounts or the Discover installation.

    If you do not know this information, you can leave these fields blank and enter them later through the HCL Discover Portal.

    Note: The email address for the Discover Administrator is not required, however HCL Discover uses the specified email address to deliver important updates.
    Processing Servers

    Use this page to configure the Processing Server.

    Select the server name or IP address of the Discover processing server (Canister)

    If you want to add another server, enter the server name or the IP address of the server and click Add. You can also select a server from the list and click Remove to delete the server from the list.

    Ready to Install the Program

    Use this page to install HCL Discover using the configuration from the previous settings.

  5. At the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install.

    The installer installs HCL Discover with the specified configuration settings.

    The display updates the status of the installation.

  6. When the Installation Complete screen is displayed, click Finish.


You have successfully installed HCL Discover.

What to do next

You are now ready to enable your HCL Discover solution.

Enabling your HCL Discover solution involves installing and configuring the Network Capture Application server.