
You can monitor storage usage on any and all Canisters in the system.

To review the storage report, select Discover > System Status > Storage.

In the Storage Report

  • Review session storage: For each server, the LSSN Space Used and LSSN Space Free columns indicate how space has been used and is available for storage of session data in the Canister. The percentage values may be most important.
  • Review index storage: For each server, the Index Space Used and Index Space Free columns indicate how space has been used and is available for storage of indexes in the Canister. The percentage values may be most important.
    • On average, the ratio of session data storage to index data storage is 1:1.
  • Index Style has a significant impact on system storage:
    • FastRsp - Standard indexing indexes only a selection of fields in the response.

For more information on the Storage report, see System Status.