Long Term Canister

One component of a Discover Canister, the Long Term Canister is a database stored on the local disk of the Processing Server to retain completed sessions and their related search indexes for a configurable length of time.

To review information on an LTC, in the Canister Status report select the individual Canister that you wish to review from the HCL Discover drop-down. The following areas of the report can be reviewed to check LTC health.

  • Un-indexed sessions - This value indicates the number of sessions in the LTC waiting for indexing.
  • Total Sessions LTC - Divide the above value by this one to identify the percentage of un-indexed sessions in the LTC.
    • If the above percentage is elevated for a significant period of time, there may be problems with session indexing. See Session Indexing.
  • The Memory In Use and CPU Utilization statistics may provide insight into more general issues.

For more information on this report, see Single Server under System Status.