Firing trigger

The Evaluate value defines the point during the session when the event is evaluated.

Note: The selected trigger impacts the available conditions that can be used in the event. Changing the trigger may force the removal of one or more incompatible conditions.

Possible values:

Fires On Trigger
First Hit of Session
The first hit of a new session is captured
Note: Some session-level data was not populated when the first hit of the session is captured. For example, Discover system session attributes are populated, while user-defined session attributes are not and cannot be used as conditions for events within this trigger.
Note: Step attributes cannot be used on the First Hit of Session trigger. See "Step-Based Eventing" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.
Every Hit
Each time that a hit is captured
Every Step
For step-based events, you can configure an event to be evaluated on each step.
  • Step-based eventing enables the evaluation of data that is captured from one of Discover's client-side capture solutions. See "Step-Based Eventing" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.
After Every Step
For step-based events, you can configure an event to be evaluated after each step was evaluated.
  • Step-based eventing enables the evaluation of data that is captured from one of Discover's client-side capture solutions. For more information, see Step-based eventing.
After Every Hit
After each hit was captured and evaluated
Last Hit
A hit is captured and determined to be the last one of the sessions
End of Session
After the session closed. Events that are assigned to this trigger are given the timestamp and hit number of the last page of the session, which is the end of the session by definition.
  • End of session events are limited to First Occurrence for the Tracked Event Occurrence, as defined in the Event Summary. See Event summary.
    Note: End of Session events cannot access hit attributes or other hit-based data. References to these objects are removed from the event definition.

The trigger is used with the event condition to determine when the event fires. For example, if the trigger is set to First Hit of Session, the event can be evaluated for firing only when the first hit of a new session is detected and not at any other time of the session. When the first hit is detected, the conditions of the event are evaluated; the event fires only if the conditions are met and the hit is the first one of the sessions. The event never fires on any other page.

Note: The trigger for the event must be specified with the availability of the conditions that trigger the event, since both must evaluate to true for the event to be fired.