Report Groups step

About this task

In the Report Groups step, you can configure whether the dimensions of selected report groups are recorded with the event and its captured values. Report groups enable multi-dimensional analysis of the attributes of an event.

A report group is a collection of dimensions, each of which may contain a different set of context data that is detected when the event is triggered. These attributes are recorded along with the value of the event. For example, the condition causing an event to fire could be that a user went to the checkout page. The value of the event could be the amount of the shopping cart. The attributes could be browser type, OS type, credit card type, and others.


  1. To associate the specified event with a report group, click Add Report Group.
  2. Click the report group to add.
    Note: Do not add a dimension that is populated by an event to the same event. For example, if Dimension X is populated by Event Y, do not make Dimension X a dimension of Event Y. All values and dimensions are written at the same time. In the above scenario, the value of Event Y is unpredictable.
    Note: You may not add a HCL Discover Usability report group to a non-HCL Discover Usability event.
  3. The report group is displayed in the Report Groups step.
    • To remove the report group, click the X icon in the upper-right corner of the report group.
    • Report groups that were disabled for this event are highlighted in red. See Inactive report groups.
    • You may associate multiple report groups with the event.
  4. When you add all wanted report groups, click the next step. See More Options step.