UAParser events

In earlier versions of Discover, if you execute a replay using Extended User Agent, it provided information like:

  • The device details
  • The browser details
  • The platform details

You could use these details to identify the root cause of compatibility issues related to device, browsers, or platforms. Discover used to fetch these details from Transport Services Configuration within Discover > Manage Services.

Although Discover was able to fetch these details, there were some performance issues associated with it.

From version 12.1.11, we have introduced UAParser events to fetch the same information without performance issues. You can access the UAParser events by navigating to Events > Manage Events.

Within the Events tab, you will see UAParser (n) in the events list. Selecting it shows all the events that can be used to fetch device, browser, and platform details using events.

UAParser changes around event addition and Dimension modifications do not get updated automatically. Apply the changes using the batch file provided in the Discover Upgrader ZIP file. The instructions are available in the Readme file. For more information, see the HCL Discover Installation Guide.

Additionally, in the Dimensions Tab, for the following dimensions, the Populated By field by default is mapped to the UAParser event:
  • Browser
  • Operating System
  • Traffic Type

If required, you can change the value of the Populated By field for the earlier mentioned dimensions.

With the implementation of UAParser, BrowserRef is no longer needed in the pipeline and can be removed.