Manage Events - Session Attributes tab

A session attribute is a pre-defined variable that is persistent throughout the life of a Discover session. Session attributes may be used to store various data that may be referenced by events at any point during the session.

  • A user-created session attribute may be populated by the output of multiple events.

There are two types of session attributes:

  • System Session Attributes: Discover provides a set of session attributes that are automatically tabulated and updated by the Discover Canister. These attributes are available for use in generating events through the Discover Event Manager.
    • For more information about system session attributes, see "How session attributes are populated by the system" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.
  • User-Defined Session Attributes: Through the Event Manager, you may create up to 64 session attributes for tracking session data specific to your web application.
    Note: Write access to user-defined session attributes is permitted only through the defined action of an event.
    • Session attribute values are strings with a maximum length of 255 characters.
    • Session attributes are indexed automatically.

You assign and reassign values to session attributes through events.