Add or edit a session attribute

You can add or edit a session attribute

To create a session attribute, select New Session Attribute.

To edit an existing session attribute, right-click the attribute and select Edit Session Attribute....

The name of the session attribute
A meaningful description of the session attribute. You may want to include the name of the populating event.
Populated By
To select the event that populates the session attribute, click Select.... A user-created session attribute may be populated by multiple events.
Tracked in Discover DB
When selected, the custom session attribute is tracked in the Discover database.

This option is available only if HCL Discover database search has been licensed.

  • HCL Discover supports the capture and tracking of up to 32 custom session attributes. Through the Portal, you can search the database using five of these 32 sessions attributes to locate sessions, which are immediately available for search as soon as the first session attribute is written to the database.
Searchable in Discover DB
When selected, the custom session attribute is marked as one of the five searchable fields in the HCL Discover database.

For an event to be searchable in the HCL Discover database, it must also be configured to be tracked.

This option is available only if HCL Discover database search has been licensed.