Event occurrence tracking

In the Event Summary, you can configure the occurrences of the event in a session to track.

Note: The tracked occurrence affects the fact occurrence that returned when a fact is referenced.
Note: For any event that is triggered off step-based data, you should configure it to track occurrences at the individual hit level. Do not use session-level tracking, as those options only operate on the first or last hit of the session.
First Per Session
Track the first detected value in the session. Do not track any subsequent values in the session.
Last Per Session
Track the last detected value in the session.
Note: When this option is selected, you cannot search for this event in active sessions, since the meaning of "last" is not known until the session is closed. See "Searching Session Data" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Every Occurrence
Track each occurrence in the session as a separate fact value and increment the count each occurrence.

Suppose a fact is set to track the last occurrence (Last Per Session), and this fact occurs on hits 1, 5 and 7. If a session-end event references this fact's value or dimension values, it retrieves the values that were recorded on hit 7 because that is the last occurrence of the event. Conversely, if the event is set to track the first occurrence (First Per Session), then the session end event receives the values that were recorded on hit 1.