Canister Status

For each server hosting Discover canisters, this section provides a status summary of the canister performance at the time of report execution.

  • See "Configuring the Canister" in the Discover Configuration Manual.


Server Time
The local time on the canister at the time of report execution
Last CanTrim
The timestamp when the CaniTrim operation was last performed, if ever.
  • The CanTrim process removes aged sessions from the Long-Term Canister. CanTrim is enabled through Manage Services. See "Configuring the Canister" in the Unica Discover Configuration Manual.
Time Zone
The time zone where the canister is located
Canister Database Version
The Discover build number of the ctree database in use on the Canister server.


The Sessions section provides statistics on session counts passing through the Canister.

Total Sessions (STC)
Total sessions in the Short-Term Canister (active sessions) at time of report execution
Total Sessions (LTA)
Total sessions in the Long Term Archive (completed sessions) at the time of report execution
Sessions Waiting for Evaluation
This metric is deprecated.
Sessions Waiting for Timeout
This metric is deprecated.
Sessions Waiting to be Archived
Number of completed sessions waiting to be written to disk.
Sessions Not Indexed
Number of completed sessions that have yet to be indexed
  • See "Configuring Indexing" in the Unica Discover Configuration Manual.


This section includes statistics on hits and CPU utilization.

Evaluated Hits
Number of evaluated hits in the STC
Non-Evaluated Hits
Number of non-evaluated hits in the STC
CPU Utilization
Current® rate of CPU utilization at time of report execution
CPU Utilization (Last 10 Minutes)
Rate of CPU utilization over the previous 10 minutes
CPU Utilization (Last Hour)
Rate of CPU utilization over the previous hour
Last Trim Canister time
The timestamp for when the last CanTrim operation has been performed
Current Facts
Average number of facts processed
Current Aggregates
Average number of aggregations
Current Aggregate Keys
Average number of aggregation keys

Disk (Canister)

In this section, you can review disk storage data for the canisters.

Canister Size on Disk
Current size of the LTC on disk
Disk Size
Storage capacity of the disk where the LTC is stored
Free Disk Size
Available disk space on the disk
Canister Path
Path to the session data files on the canister.
  • Default is <Discover_install_directory>\Canister\Canister.dbs
Index Path
Path to the index data files on the canister.
  • Default is <Discover_install_directory>\Canister\Indexes

Disk (Index)

In this section, you can review disk storage data for the indexes.

Index Size on Disk
Current size of the index files on disk

Name (LSSN file)

This section provides status information for the canister files stored on the selected server.

  • Session data files are stored in the LSSN format.
Filename of the LSSN file
Number of sessions contained in the LSSN file
Size of the LSSN file