Adding optional servers

In some situations, a server may be configured as a failover option if another server goes down. The Discover Status report can be configured to look for these additional backup servers.

About this task

You may use the following steps to add optional servers to the DiscoverStatus configuration file.


  1. Login as a Discover administrator.
  2. Select Discover > Manage Services.
  3. Click the WorldView tab.
  4. Select the Scheduling Service node.
  5. Click DiscoverStatus configuration file.
  6. In the Config Actions panel, click View/Edit.
  7. At the bottom of the file, you should see the following configuration information.
    Note: If this configuration information is not available and you are using a build that supports this optional configuration, you may copy and paste the following into your configuration file.
    # Server Types:
    #Data Export
    #Manage Services
    # AdditionalServers:
    #Note: Can be multiple types.
    # Where:
    #   <n>                  = a number, each one must be unique.
    #   [ServerName]         = Name of the server
    #   [Title]              = Server Title for DiscoverStatus
    #   [Port]               = Port number of server
    #   [,ServerType]        = Server Type ie: DataCollector
    #   [,ServerType]        = Server Type ie: DataE xport
  8. Under the [AdditionalServers] section, you can add new servers by doing the following:
    1. Copy the Server_1 line.
    2. Paste it as a new line.
    3. Remove the hash mark (#) at the front of the line.
    4. Change the settings for the new server as needed.
      Note: An optional server can be marked as a server of multiple types. Add new server entries as comma-separated text values from the Server Types list at the top of the text above.
  9. When you are satisfied with your changes, click Save.
  10. Submit the job to Manage Services.
  11. When Discover Status runs, these additional Discover servers are added to the list of servers Discover Status queries.


Note: The ServerName reference does not need to be listed as a server in the Portal Management page. If it does not exist there, you do not need to add it. These additional servers are used by the Discover Status report only.