
The following limitations apply to the use of movers.

  • Movers are only calculated for counts of events, not event values. For dimensions, movers are calculated on the count of values.
  • To create Top Movers for dimensions, you must specify a whitelist and select values to include in deviations for the following reasons:
    • To limit data storage, you may want to limit the whitelist values to include only the most statistically significant ones. For example, from a list of 50 states, sales from only 10 of them may provide sufficient data for your mover calculations.
    • There is a system-wide limit on the number of movers that can be calculated. By limiting mover calculations to the important dimensional values, you preserve available mover calculations for important data.
      Note: If a dimension does not have a whitelist and items in the list that were selected for tracking in the Top Mover, the dimension does not appear among the list of objects for which you can create a Top Mover. See Manage Events - Dimensions Tab.