Event List

In the Event list, you can review all of the available events for the currently selected event label.

  • To step through the list of items, press the Up or Down arrows on your keyboard.
  • To scroll through the list, press the Page Up or Page Down keys on your keyboard.
  • To select an item, click the item or highlight using keyboard navigation.
  • To edit an item, press ENTER or double-click it.
  • To see detailed information about a listed event, move the mouse cursor over it. See Event List.
  • On the left side of the screen, you can click an event label to display a different set of related events. See Event Labels panel.
    Note: Inactive events that are part of the current event label may not be displayed. See Event List.
  • To sort the list by a column, click the column header. To sort the list in the reverse order, click the column header again.
  • To open the context menu for events, right-click an event in the event list. See Event List.
Table 1. Event List column descriptions
Column Description
Active When a check mark is present, the event is active and available for use. See Configuring Portal access to Events.
Icon The icon identifier for the event. This icon appears in the session list for returned results. See "Searching Session Data" in the Unica Discover Manuals.
  • To prevent an icon indicator for this event from appearing in session lists, select No icon for the event icon.
  • For more information about editing or creating these icons, see Event icon editor.
Name The user-friendly name of the event.
Description The description of the event, as provided in the event definition.
Modified Timestamp of when the event was last modified.

List highlighting

The following highlighting identifies the state of individual events.

Table 2. State of individual events
Highlighting Description
None Event was not changed from version that is saved on the server.
Blue The currently selected event(s).
Purple Event was modified locally and was not yet been saved on the server.
Pink Event was marked for deletion locally but was not yet removed from the server.
Red Event was marked for deletion locally but was not yet removed from the server.
Yellow Event was disabled Report Groups.

Event list tooltip

The following information is displayed in the tooltip for each event in the event list. Except as listed below, these fields are part of the event definition and can be viewed when you create or edit an event. See Event Wizard.

To see the information that is listed below, move the mouse cursor over a listed event.

Table 3. Event list tooltip
Field Description
Internal Name The internal name of the event that is assigned by Discover cannot be changed. This name is referenced when editing events in Advanced mode. See Advanced Mode for Events.
Event ID An internal numeric identifier for the event. This value cannot be modified and is referenced in various areas of the Unica Discover system. Specifically, the event identifier is listed in the session attributes written to the STS file for each session.
Updated Timestamp for the last time that the event definition was modified.

Event list context menu

When you right-click an event in the Event List, the following commands are available.

Note: In the Events tab, you can select multiple events and open a context menu of commands that can be applied to more than one event. Select an event and then press SHIFT or CTRL to select extra ones.
Table 4. Event list context menu commands
Command Description
Edit Event... Edit the selected event. See Event Wizard.
New Copy of Selected Event... Create a copy of the selected event.
Note: If the selected event was created or edited in Advanced mode for events, it cannot be edited in basic mode and cannot be copied. As a workaround, you can copy and paste the contents of the JavaScript editing window in Advanced mode. See Advanced Mode for Events.
Add Label to Event(s)... Assign a label to the selected event or events. See Creating or editing an event label.
Remove Selected Label Remove the selected label from the selected event or events.
  • You may not remove the label if it is the only label for the event. An event must be assigned to at least one label.
  • You may not remove the pre-configured labels from events that are provided by Discover.
Create Dimension Using Event... Create a dimension that uses the selected event as its source of data. See Manage Events - Dimensions Tab.
Show Dependent Items Displays a list of items that depend on this event evaluating to true. See Discover Event Manager.
Event History... Show the history of changes to the event. See Event history.
Make Inactive/Make Active Make the selected event inactive (or active if currently inactive). See Event List.
Delete Delete an event. See Deleting an Event.
Purge Data... Purge data for the selected event and all related facts. See Purging event data.
Export Item Mark item for inclusion in the next export. Items can be exported through the Export tab in the Event Manager. See Manage Events - Import-Export Tabs.

Event list filters

You can filter the displayed list of events using one of the predefined filters available in the event list filter drop-down. These selections enable filtering the displayed list by trigger, configuration setting, or current condition of the event.

  • The displayed list of events also factors the selected event label, so you can effectively apply two filters.

Event List Filter

The following filters are available. These filters show only the events that meet the selected condition:

Table 5. Event list filters
Filter Name Description
All Events Events for the selected event label without filtration.
First Hit of Session Events that are configured to fire on the first hit of the session. See Firing trigger.
Every Hit Events that are configured to fire on every hit of the session. See Firing trigger.
Every Step Events that are configured to fire on every step. See Firing trigger. Step-based eventing enables the evaluation of data that is captured from one of Discover's client-side capture solutions. See "Step-Based Eventing" in the Unica Discover Event Manager Manual.
After Every Step Events that are configured to fire after every step. See Firing trigger. Step-based eventing enables the evaluation of data captured from one of Discover's client-side capture solutions. See "Step-Based Eventing" in the Unica Discover Event Manager Manual.
After Every Hit Events configured to fire after every hit of the session. See Firing trigger.
Last Hit Events configured to fire on the last occurrence of a hit in the session. See Firing trigger.
End of Session Events configured to fire at the end of the session. See Firing trigger.
Only Searchable & Reportable Events configured to be searchable and reportable. See Event summary.
Only not-Searchable & Reportable Events configured to be not searchable and reportable. These events are considered building block events. See Configuration scenario - building block events.
Events with Disabled Report Groups To display report groups that have been deactivated due to exceeding the hourly limit on number of recorded facts, select Events with Disabled Report Groups from the Events tab drop-down. For more information about reactivating facts, see Report group context menu.
Event Sent to Event Bus Events sent to the Discover Event Bus.
  • If you have licensed the Unica Discover database, you can configure events to send session attributes through the Event Bus to the designated pipeline for capture into the database, which enables you to search for sessions based on session attributes. Use of this feature also requires the Unica Discover Data Export license. See "Configuring Session Attribute Search" in the Unica Discover Administration Manual.
Events that Update Session Timeout Events that override the system timeout settings with a new timeout value.
Close Session Events Events configured to close the session in which they fired. See Close session.
Clone & Close Session Events Events configured to clone the session and then close the session in which they fired. See Clone and close session.
Discard Session Events Events configured to mark the session for discarding. See Discard session.
Session Inclusion Events Events configured to be included in Unica Discover . See Session Filtering events.
Session Exclusion Events Events configured to be excluded from Unica Discover. See Session Filtering events.
Included Events Events configured to be included in Unica Discover . See Event and session filtering.
Only Minute Data ON Events Events configured to capture data at the minute level. See Minute-level event counts.

Inactive events

You can disable the use of any event that you created by making it inactive. You cannot make Discover Standard Events inactive.

Note: You cannot make an event inactive if other events are dependent on it. You must remove those dependencies first. However, you can multi-select the event and its dependents to make them inactive at the same time.
Note: When you make an event inactive, any associated Top Mover that is active is not made inactive. You must manually deactivate the associated Top Mover. See Manage Events - Top Movers Tab.
  • To make an event inactive, right-click it and select Make Inactive.
  • To toggle the display of inactive events, click the Make Inactive checkbox in the toolbar.

When an event is inactive yet is configured for display in the Portal, you can still select it in search, search templates, scorecards, dashboards, and Discover Report Builder, since those features may be configured to display data from a time period when the event was active and being triggered. However, this event cannot be configured to be an input for other items or to be triggered by other items while it is inactive.