Event summary

You use the Event Manager to create events. In the Event Summary, you specify the basic parameters of the event, including the trigger point for the event.

The display name of the event
Note: After the event is saved to the server for the first time, the defined display name is used to generate the internal identifier for the event and for recording occurrences of the event in session data. If the display name is changed:
  • The internal names for event objects cannot be updated to reflect the change.
  • The display names that are used in the event and event occurrence definitions are updated.
A description for the event.
The icon to display for the event. To select a different icon to display, click Icon List. Select the icon to use.
Select or create one or more labels to apply to the event.
The trigger when the event is evaluated. This setting can affect the conditions and values that are available for this event and any event that references this event.
Select the occurrence of this event's data to track and make available for other events in the session.
Value Type
Select the type of value to track for the event.
Select the Active check box to enable the event. Inactive events do not fire. This setting should be configured with other event settings. Before saving events to the server, you should test them.
Searchable & Reportable
To make the event and event values searchable and reportable in the Portal and to make the data available to other Discover components, make the event Searchable & Reportable. Searchable and reportable properties are integrated into a single setting. To track movement of event values, Searchable & Reportable must be enabled. If an event is changed to disable this option, the associated Top Mover is also disabled. Re-enabling the option does not re-enable the Top Mover.

To save a draft of the event in development, click Save Draft. Saving a draft saves the item to the session cache on the server. Changes must be committed before they are applied to the incoming session data. To cancel event creation or editing, click Cancel. Unsaved changes are lost.

In Advanced Mode, events may be edited in the EventEngineScript form in which they are stored. Click Advanced Mode. For Discover Standard Events, you can view the underlying JavaScriptâ„¢ in a read-only version of Advanced Mode.