Managing HCL UnO agent using Daemon process in Windows operating systems

When you configure the agent for the first time, the process creates Daemon script that can be used to manage HCL UnO agent afterward. You can run each scripts to accomplish specific results.

Before you begin

You must have configured the HCL UnO agent to create the scripts. For more information, see Configuring HCL UnO agent.

About this task

When you configure the agent, the daemon-install.ps1 scripts is created with agent_name.service and osh.exe files. The agent_name.service file defines the properties of the Daemon service that runs the agent. The osh.exe is a command line program that parses the command line arguments and calls the appropriate method described in agent_name.service file. This command line tool reads and parse the agent_name.service file structure that holds the configuration for the service. It then provides the following commands to manage the service that runs the agent on a Windows environment. The supported commands to efficiently manage the agent are:
  • install
  • start
  • stop
  • remove


  1. Navigate to the folder that contains the daemon-install.ps1 script.
  2. Open PowerShell, and then run the daemon-install script.
  3. Press Enter.

    You have successfully installed and started HCL UnO agent as a Daemon service. If you want to stop or remove the agent or to restart the agent after stopping, continue with the following steps.

  4. Navigate to the folder that contains the osh.exe file.
  5. Run the osh.exe using PowerShell.
  6. Enter the required command with path to the agent_name.service file as follows:
    .\osh.exe [stop | remove | start] [path to the agent_name.service file]
  7. Press Enter.


You have successfully run the required commands.Folder structure and file management for HCL UnO agent in Windows operating systems.