Decoding exit codes for script management

The exit code is displayed after each command runs, to indicate the status of the command output.

If you issue a command to run a script to manage an HCL UnO agent, an exit code is displayed based on the status of the command output. You can see the list of exit codes with their description in the following table:
Exit code Description
0 The command runs successfully.
3 The command encountered a generic error. Check the Orchestration CLI log, lower the log level to display more information in the log using the --messageLogLevel command, and run the script again.
4 No agent configuration is found. This error can be solved by configuring the agent following this procedure.
5 The agent is running already. If the agent is already running, you cannot use the start script.
6 The agent is not running. Some scripts cannot function if the agent is not running. If you encounter this exit code, start the agent using the start script.
7 The stop command is failed. There might be cases where altough the stop sript runs successfully, the stop signal is not succesfully sent and the agent keeps running. In those cases, try running the stop script again. If the issue persists, check the Orchestration CLI log.
8 The agent name cannot be changed when reconfiguring the agent. The name given during the agent configuration procedure is final and it cannot be changed at a later stage.