Configuring HCL UnO agent

HCL UnO agent is an on premises agent that you can install in your computer. You can configure the properties of the agent to connect it to the agent manager of HCL Universal Orchestrator.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

The configuration step connects the agent to the agent manager, test the connection, download the certificates and complete all the set-ups needed for the agent to run successfully. On successfully configuring the agent, a directory named .uno-agent is created by default, if you do not specify any value for the optional parameter dataDir. The mandatory and optional parameters that you can set to configure the agent is described in the following procedure. All the parameters to set up the agent is saved into one single file called and is stored under the directory.


  1. Extract the contents from the downloaded HCL UnO agent package.
  2. Note: If required, you can override the JAVA_HOME environment variable to change the java version for the current user session. To modify the environment variable, use the specific commands according to the operating system you are using.
    Open the command line and run the command as follows:
    configure.ps1 [Mandatory parameters=value] [Optional parameters=value]
    ./ [Mandatory parameters=value] [Optional parameters=value]
    Enter valid details for the mandatory parameters. If required, you can add the optional parameters also.
    Table 1. Mandatory parameters
    Option Action
    --agentName or -n Enter the agent name with the path to the jar file.
    --agentManagerUrl or -u Enter the URL to connect to the agent manager of HCL Universal Orchestrator.
    --apiKey or -k Enter the API key.
    --licenseAccepted Add the option to accept the license. If accepted, when the configuration is completed the license is copied to the directory.
    Note: If you do not add any one of these parameters, an informational message is displayed to add the value for the missing parameter.
    The optional parameters that you can add are as follows:
    Table 2. Optional parameters
    Option Action
    --certificateAccepted If you do not have valid certificates, add this option. It gets certificates from the agent manager and stores them in the following paths:
    • c:\Users\user_name\.uno-agent\security\certs
    • home/user_name/.uno-agent/security/certs
    --completedTaskMaxAge-- or -ma- You can set a limit in days for deleting all files, logs, and other resources associated with the agent workflow. The value must be higher than 7 days or else it is set to the default value, which is 30 days.
    --dataDir or -d You can specify the path to the folder to create the directory. If no path is given, a directory with files and folders is created as follows:
    • c:\Users\user_name\.uno-agent
    • home/user_name/.uno-agent
    Note: When specifying the folder path, ensure there are no spaces. The data directory and the jar file must not be stored in a path with spaces or else an error is displayed.
    --logLevel or -l You can use this option to filter the log messages that are retrieved in the cli.log file. The file is created under the .uno-agent folder. When you set a value, all the messages equal to that severity and above are sorted. The default value is INFO. You can enter any one of the following message types. The message types are listed from lower to higher severity.
    • FINEST: Messages that indicates a highly detailed application flow.
    • FINER: Messages that indicates a fairly detailed application flow.
    • FINE: Messages that indicates the application flow.
    • CONFIG: Static configuration messages are filtered.
    • INFO:Any additional information which are not tied to the current task or action.
    • WARNING:Messages that indicates a potential problem.
    • SEVERE: Messages that indicates a serious failure.

    In addition, you can use OFF to turn off and ALL to record all types of messages.

    Note: The logs are displayed in English only, if you select the log level CONFIG or below.
    The logs are placed in the following paths:
    • c:\Users\user_name\.uno-agent\stdlist\cli.logs
    • home/user_name/.uno-agent/stdlist/cli.logs
    --messageLogLevel or -ml You can use this option to filter the messages that are retrieved in the messages.log file. The file is created under the .uno-agent folder. When you set a value, all the messages equal to that severity and above are sorted. The default value is INFO. You can enter any one of the following message types. The message types are listed from lower to higher severity.
    • FINEST: Messages that indicates a highly detailed application flow.
    • FINER: Messages that indicates a fairly detailed application flow.
    • FINE: Messages that indicates the application flow.
    • CONFIG: Static configuration messages are filtered.
    • INFO:Any additional information which are not tied to the current task or action.
    • WARNING:Messages that indicates a potential problem.
    • SEVERE: Messages that indicates a serious failure.

    In addition, you can use OFF to turn off and ALL to record all types of messages.

    Note: The logs are displayed in English only, if you select the message log level CONFIG or below.
    --messageLogRotation or -mr You can set a value for maximum number of message files and after the specified value is reached, all the message files are deleted. The default value is 10.
    --messageLogSize or -ms You can define the maximum size of a single message file. The default value is 10 M. You can specify any value ranging from bytes (B) to Gigabytes (G), depending on your environment.
    --proxyUrl or -pu You can specify a valid URL to enable the use of a proxy. Use a URL with HTTP or HTTPS as protocol.
    --proxyUsername or -pn You can specify a valid user name, if you have added the proxyUrl. This ensures an authenticated connection with the engine.
    --proxyPassword or -pp You can specify a valid password, if you have added proxyUrl and proxyPassword for an authenticated connection. If no values are given, then admin is added by default.
    --traceLogLevel or -tl You can use this option to filter the trace files that are retrieved in the trace.log file. The file is created under the .uno-agent folder. When you set a value, all the traces equal to that severity and above are sorted. The default value is INFO. You can enter any one of the following types. The types are listed from lower to higher severity.
    • FINEST: Traces that indicates a highly detailed application flow.
    • FINER: Traces that indicates a fairly detailed application flow.
    • FINE: Traces that indicates the application flow.
    • CONFIG: Static configuration messages are filtered.
    • INFO:Any additional information which are not tied to the current task or action.
    • WARNING:Traces that indicates a potential problem.
    • SEVERE: Traces that indicates a serious failure.

    In addition, you can use OFF to turn off and ALL to record all types of trace messages.

    Note: The logs are displayed in English only, if you select the trace level CONFIG or below.
    --traceLogRotation or -tr You can set a value for maximum number of trace files and after the specified value is reached, all the trace files are deleted. The default value is 10.
    --traceLogSize or -ts You can define the maximum size of a single trace file. The default value is 10 M. You can specify any value ranging from bytes (B) to Gigabytes (G), depending on your environment.
    Note: You can run the --help or -h option to view the list and abbreviation of each option. You can also run the --version or v option to get the details of the installed version.
  3. Press Enter.
    Note: After you configure the agent, the workstation is created with LINKED status. You must run the agent within few minutes or else it shifts to UNLINKED status. If any jobs are submitted during this time frame, they become stuck at INTRO status initially and later reverted to READY status when the agent shifts to UNLINK status.


What to do next

You can now use the agent configuration to manage the HCL UnO agent. For more information, see Managing HCL UnO agent in Windows operating systems or Managing HCL UnO agent in Unix operating systems.