Downloadable resources for HCL UnO agent

You can download the zip file for HCL UnO agent directly or from the Dynamic Workload Console. The zip file contains all the required scripts and jar file to install and manage the agent.


You can download the zip file for the HCL UnO agent from the following URL:
The hostname of the gateway microservice.
The valid port exposed for API gateway. The default port is 8442.

If you are using the Dynamic Workload Console, you can follow the procedure below.

In Dynamic Workload Console, click the user icon, and then select the Download Center option from the drop down list to download the files for HCL UnO agent. The zip file for the agent contains the following folders:
  • iso-swid
    The folder contains hcltechsw.com_HCL_agent.swidtag file, an XML file for inventory tracking.
  • bin
    The folder contains the following files:
    • The script to install the agent in Unix operating system.
    • configure.ps1: The script to install the agent in Windows operating system.
    • hcl-uno-agent-VERSION.jar: The agent jar file.
  • licenses
    The folder contains notices and license agreements associated with the agent.