Configuring HCL Workload Automation dynamic agent

In this topic you can find information about how to configure a HCL Workload Automation dynamic agent.


Before registering an agent, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
  1. The REGISTER_AGENT administrative security role is set for the user who performs the agent registration.
  2. The user that performs the agent registration has the CREATE permission for the workstation item in the root folder.
  3. The user that performs the agent registration has an existing API Key, otherwise a new API Key must be created.
  4. The user that performs the agent registration has added the API Key to the WA_API_KEY property in the deployment file of the agent.


You can find the configuration setting of the agent in the JobManager.ini file.

When you install an agent, an agent ID is generated for the first time and automatically configured inside JobManager.ini. Along with the agent ID, a token (JWT) is created and signed by a certificate provided by the server. The token is stored in a file, you can find the path of the file stored in the property jwt_file (section ITA SSL of ita.ini file). After having registered the agent, the JWT is employed for authenticating every request sent from the agent. For more information, see Authenticating the Orchestration CLI using API Keys.
Note: If you delete the workstation on which the agent is registered, you have to register the agent again.

The JobManagerGW.ini file contains the gateway configuration settings of the agent when the gateway is set to connect to a dynamic agent located behind a network boundary.

Only the parameters in the [ITA] and [ResourceAdvisorAgent] sections of the JobManagerGW.ini file require configuration. Definitions are given for both the JobManager.ini and JobManagerGW.ini files.

See Installation paths for information about how to locate the files. The parameters that are for internal use only are not documented.

The files are divided in sections, and the name of each section is enclosed between square brackets. Sequences of variable = value statements are contained in each section.

The following properties can be customized:
You can find the log messages in the following file:
On Windows operating systems:
On UNIX and Linux operating systems:
You can find the trace messages in the following files:
On Windows operating systems:
  • <TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\JM\ITA_trace.log
  • <TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\JM\JobManager_trace.log
  • <TWA_home>\TWS\JavaExt\logs\javaExecutor0.log
On UNIX and Linux operating systems:
  • <TWA_DATA_DIR>/stdlist/JM/ITA_trace.log
  • <TWA_DATA_DIR>/stdlist/JM/JobManager_trace.log
  • <TWA_DATA_DIR>/JavaExt/logs/javaExecutor0.log
Logging information about job types with advanced options
You can use the file to configure the logging process for job types.
After installation, this file is as follows:
# Specify the handlers to create in the root logger
# (all loggers are children of the root logger)
# The following creates two handlers
handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, 
# Set the default logging level for the root logger
.level = INFO
# Set the default logging level for new ConsoleHandler instances
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
# Set the default logging level for new FileHandler instances
    = ALL
    = C:\TWA_home\TWS\JavaExt\logs\javaExecutor%g.log
    = 1000000
    = 10
# Set the default formatter for new ConsoleHandler instances
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = 
java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter =  
# Set the default logging level for the logger named com.mycompany = INFO
You can customize:
  • The logging level (from INFO to WARNING, ERROR, or ALL) in the following keywords:
    Defines the logging level for the internal logger.
    Defines the logging level for the job types. To log information about job types, set this keyword to ALL.
  • The path where the logs are written, specified by the following keyword: