HCL Universal Orchestrator policy-driven plan

The new HCL Universal Orchestrator policy-driven adaptive plan makes your workload more autonomous, dynamic and scalable.

The new plan is regulated by customizable policies that determine an automated pipeline.

Table 1. Policies
Policy Name Description Default value
active-window Active window The time window in which the dependencies of active job stream instances are resolved and launched. 24 hours
active-window.extension Plan extension frequency How often the plan is updated. 5 minutes
not-active.window.min Old instances retention How much time successfully completed job stream instances are kept in the plan. 7 days
not-active.window.max Non-active window The number of days for which you want to have a continuous pipeline of job stream instances created in the database ready to be scheduled and added to the plan. The non-active window is automatically extended everyday. 14 days

These policies are fully customizable.

Policy-driven planning pipeline example
  1. The new planning pipeline starts with the creation of a job stream using run cycles. Let's name the job stream "EXAMPLE".
  2. New non-active "EXAMPLE" job stream instances are created and scheduled for the next 14 days by default.
  3. The activation of the new "EXAMPLE" job stream instances happens in a time window of 24 hours by default.
  4. When "EXAMPLE" instances are activated, their dependencies are resolved. Dependencies for not started and not modified instances are re-evaluated and their best match is determined every time a new instance is activated, or a new job is submitted. Find more information on dependencies behavior here.
  5. Completed "EXAMPLE" instances are removed after 7 days by default.
  6. The plan is extended every 5 minutes by default, starting again from step number 2.

The new plan is designed to run autonomously with minimal user interaction while still guaranteeing full user control over the whole workload. For more information about the new plan, see the policy-driven plan scenario.