Standard format

If you do not specify any options with the showjobs command, the results are displayed in the standard format.

The following details are displayed in the standard format.
The workstation the job runs on.
Job tream
The name of the job stream.
The date and time the job is scheduled to run. The date is displayed in mm/dd format.
The job name. The following notation described might precede the job name.
  • rerun as
    The job that was rerun by using the rerun command ran.
  • rerun step
    The job that was rerun by using the rerun;step command.
The state of a job. The state types are as follows:
    The job ended abnormally.
    The ABEND confirmation is received but the job is not completed.
  • DONE
    The job is completed with an unknown status.
  • EXEC
    The selected job is running.
  • FAIL
    An error prevented the job from starting.
  • HOLD
    The job stream is waiting for the dependency to be resolved.
    The job will launch at any moment.
  • PEND
    The job is completed and waiting for confirmation.
    All dependencies are resolved, and the job stream is ready to start.
  • SUCC
    The job is completed successfully.
    The job is not completed, but the confirmation is received.
    The job is suppressed because the related conditional dependencies of the predecessors are unresolved.
  • WAIT
    The job is in waiting.
The states for job streams are as follows:
    The job stream ended abnormally.
  • ADD
    The job stream was added by the user.
    The job stream is pending cancellation. The cancellation is deferred until all associated dependencies are resolved.
  • EXEC
    The selected job stream is running.
  • HOLD
    The job stream is waiting for a dependency to be resolved.
    The job stream is ready to launch because all the dependencies are resolved.
    The job stream run is interrupted and no jobs are started without user intervention.
  • SUCC
    The job stream run is completed successfully.
    The job stream is suppressed because the related conditional dependencies of the predecessors are unresolved.

The priority of the job stream.


The start time of the job or job stream. The (Est) element indicates the expected start time. If the start time is before or after 24 hours, the date instead of time is displayed, for example, mm/dd/yy or mm/dd.

The run time of the job or job stream. The (Est) element indicates the expected start time.
The return code for the command. For more information, see Orchestration CLI return codes.
The dependencies associated with the jobs are displayed. Any combination of the following dependencies might be listed.
  • The job stream or job name is displayed for the follows dependency. If it is a pending predecessor, the name is followed by [P] and [0] is displayed if it is an orphaned dependency.

    For conditional dependencies the name of the predecessor job or job stream is followed by the output conditions in the following format, IF <condition name>. The <condition name> variable can be the final status of the predecessor job, the job stream status, or condition based on the predecessor job output. When you have multiple conditions, they are separated by the vertical bar symbol (|).

  • For an until time, the time is preceded by an angle bracket (<).
  • For a deadline time, the time displayed is preceded by an angle bracket(<).
  • The repetition rate for an every rate is preceded by an ampersand (&) character.
  • You can identify the cancelled job streams because they are labeled [Cancelled].
  • Jobs that are cancelled with the ;pend option are labeled [Cancel Pend].
  • When the results are displayed for the showjobs command, time dependencies are shown in the start column:
    • Only the time expressed as hh:mm, if the date the command is run matches with the estimated date.
    • Only the date expressed as dd/mm, if the date the command is run does not matches with the estimated date.
  • The Process Identification Number (PID) for running jobs is displayed in the #Jnnnnn format.
  • Jobs with expired until times, including jobs cancelled with ;pend option, are labeled [Until].
  • The following is a list of the states that are displayed according to onmaxdur, onmindur, or confirm actions:
    • [MaxDurationExceeded] and maxdur=hhh:mm: when the specified maximum duration time is exceeded.
    • [KillSubmitted]: when the specified maximum duration time is exceeded and the onmaxdur action is set to kill.
    • [Continue]: when the specified maximum duration time is exceeded and the onmaxdur action is set to continue.
    • [MinDurationNotReached] and mindur=hhh:mm: when the specified minimum time is not reached and the job is completed successfully.
    • [Continue]: when the specified minimum duration time is not reached and the onmindur action is set to continue.
    • [Abended]: when the specified minimum duration time is not reached and the onmindur action is set to Abend.
    • [ConfirmSubmitted]: when the specified minimum duration time is not reached and the onmindur action is set to Confirm.
    • [Confirmed]: indicates confirmation is required because the job is scheduled using the confirm keyword.