
You can use the showcpu command to display the information about workstations.


The workstations are the building blocks of HCL Universal Orchestrator on which the jobs or job streams are run. You can use the showcpu command to display details about these workstations such as, type and properties of workstations, the operating system version, hardware model, the version of the agent installed and so on. For more details, see Syntax and command line options section.
Note: When a workstation is removed from the plan, a lag is observed to display the current status change.

Syntax and command line options

You can view the information in two formats, standard and info. If you do not specify the info option the results are displayed in standard format. You can use specific options to filter the results. The available options that you can use with the command are as follows:

ocli plan showcpus | sc [[folder/]workstation] [;info] [;showid]
You can specify the name of the specific workstation that you want display. You can also specify the folder in which the workstation is defined, which is optional.

The details that are displayed with each format are as follows:

If you do not include options, the information is displayed in standard format. The result includes the following information.

    The name of the workstation.


    The date and time when HCL Universal Orchestrator started the run for the current production plan. The date is displayed in mm/dd/yy format.

  • State

    The state of the following elements:

    1. Workstation links and process. The status is displayed in up to four characters.
      [L] [I] [O] [J]
      Each character indicates specific information as described below.
      • L

        The workstation is connected to the engine.

      • I

        The agent is correctly initialized

      • O

        The character indicates the online status of the workstation. The character is not displayed if the workstation is offline.

      • J

        This flag indicates that JobManager is running.


    No information is displayed.

If you add the info option with the command, results are displayed in the info format. The results include the following information.

    The name of the workstation.


    The version of the agent that is installed on the workstation.


    The time zone of the workstation which is the same value of the TZ environment variable.

  • INFO

    An informational field that shows the operating system version and hardware model.

If you add the Link option with the command the results are displayed in Link format. The result includes the following information.

    The name of the workstation.


When you add this option, the results display the unique workstation identifier. The name of the workstation and the location of the folder where it is defined is linked to the unique identifier.


  1. To display all workstations in all folders, run the following command:
    ocli plan sc /@/@
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
    CPUID              RUN    NODE         LIMIT FENCE DATE     TIME  STATE       METHOD                                   DOMAIN 
                                CLOUD               NA     UNIX CLOUD    100   100 18/07/23 15:58  L IOJ 
                                WS_AGT_0            NA     UNIX AGENT    100   100 18/07/23 15:59  L IOJ 
                                WS_AGT_1            NA     UNIX AGENT    100   100 18/07/23 15:59  L IOJ 
  2. To display all workstations in the root folder with their unique identifiers, run the following command:
    ocli plan sc \;showid 
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
    CPUID              RUN    NODE         LIMIT FENCE DATE     TIME  STATE       METHOD                                   DOMAIN 
                                CLOUD               NA     UNIX CLOUD    100   100 18/07/23 15:58  L IOJ                                                {004203aa-df66-453b-a79d-8ae2f06a8474} 
                                WS_AGT_0            NA     UNIX AGENT    100   100 18/07/23 15:59  L IOJ                                                {da2cb3b6-38f4-4984-9060-a65eb38baa5c} 
                                WS_AGT_1            NA     UNIX AGENT    100   100 18/07/23 15:59  L IOJ                                                {971eed47-cf94-4214-adf7-de3861a2b198} 
  3. To display the results in info format, run the following command:
    ocli plan showcpus | sc \;info 
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
    CPUID            VERSION  TIME ZONE                        INFO 
                                 CLOUD     UTC                              Cloud Task Launcher 
                                 WS_AGT_0  UTC                              Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.… 
                                 WS_AGT_1  UTC                              Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.… 
  4. To display the information in link format, run the following command:
    ocli plan sc \;link 
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
    CPUID             HOST            FLAGS  ADDR  NODE 
                                CLOUD                                    31111  CLOUD 
                                WS_AGT_0                                 31111  WS_AGT_0 
                                WS_AGT_1                                 31111  WS_AGT_1