submit job

You can use the submit job command option to start a job.


You can use the submit job command to start a job with pre-defined conditions. To run the command you must have submitdb access to the job. To use the alias keyword for the job, make sure to specify the job name in the database by including the keyword. If you submit a single job, a job stream with the same name is created and submitted. The job stream contains only the job you submitted.

Syntax and command line options

Before you run the command, you must specify the details of the command line options such as job name and required permissions. There are mandatory and optional parameters which you can use to schedule the start of a job. You can create the command as follows:

ocli plan submit job|sbj workstation#[folder/]jobname [;alias[=name]] [;into=[[folder/]workstation#]jobstream_id;schedid | [folder/]jobstreamname([hhmm[date]])] joboption[;...] [;vartable=tablename] [;noask]

You can add the parameters according to the specific results you want to achieve. The only mandatory parameter is jobname. The details required for each parameter are as follows:

Specify the workstation to run the job on. You can use wildcard characters. If you use wild cards, the job starts on all matching workstations. If you do not specify a workstation, the job runs on the default workstation.
You must specify the name of the job to start.

You must specify the name of the job which you want to launch. You can use wildcard characters. I you use wildcard characters all matching jobs are submitted. If the job is already in plan, and submitted into the same job stream, you must use the alias keyword to assign a unique name.

You can specify a unique name for the job, which can be used in place of the jobname parameter. If you add the alias keyword without specifying a name, a name is created that includes the first 5 alphanumeric characters followed by a random ten digit-number.
Specify the jobstream instance the job will be launched into. You can also provide the folder that contains the job stream definition.

Select the job stream instance by entering one of the following commands:

  • [[folder/]workstation#][folder/]jobstreamname([hhmm[ date]])
  • [[folder/]workstation#]jobstream_id ;schedid
You can customize the start of a job with optional parameters. You can specify one or more of the options in the following table.
Table 1. joboption
Options Reference
at time[timezone | tz tzname][+n day[s] | mm/dd | mm/dd/yy] at
deadline= time [timezone | tz][+n day[s] [mm/dd | mm/dd[/yy]]] deadline
follows [[folder/]workstation#][folder/]{jobstreamname[hhmm [mm/dd[/yy]]][.job | @] | jobstream_id.job;schedid}| job[,...] [if 'condition_name[| condition_name][| ...]'] follows.
maxdur=[time] [onmaxdur action] maxdur
mindur=[time] [onmindur action] mindur
until time [timezone|tz tzname][+n day[s]] [;onuntil action] until and onuntil
vartable=tablename You must specify the name of the variable table, if you are not using the default variable table to run the job. For more information, see Variable table definition.
Important: You must use the backslash (\) as an escape character before the dollar sign ($) in a JSONATA expression, to prevent the substitution of value at the command line based on environment variables. If not, the command returns with a bad substitution error.
Important: You must use the backslash (\) as an escape character before the dollar sign ($) in a JSONATA expression, to prevent the substitution of value at the command line based on environment variables. If not, the command returns with a bad substitution error.
Note: Enclose the variable between carets (^), and then enclose the entire string between double quotation marks. If the variable contains a portion of a path, ensure that the caret characters are not immediately preceded by a backslash (\). Because the parser might incorrectly interpret the \^ sequence as an escape sequence and resolve it as a caret character. If necessary, move the backslash into the definition of the variable between carets.
Restriction: If the variables in the job definition are specified in ${variablename} format, the variable table is not resolved.

When you add the noask option as an argument, the agent does not ask for confirmation before it acts on each qualifying item.


  1. To submit the test jobs, run the following command:
    ocli plan sbj = @#test
  2. To submit a job with an rptx4 alias and place the job in the reports job stream with at time of 5:30 PM, run the following command:
    ocli plan sbj = @#rjob4;alias=rptx4;into=reports;at=1730
  3. To submit the test job in the ORDERS job stream that is found in the ONLINE folder, run the following command:
    ocli plan sbj = @#test;into=/ONLINE/orders
  4. To submit the txjob3 job on all workstations whose names begin with site, run the following command:
    ocli plan sbj = site@#txjob3;alias