ZIE Server Details

Configuration of ZIE Server details

The ZIE Server can either be configured by providing the required server details in the ‘InstallShield Wizard' at the time of ZIEWin installation itself, or can be added/updated in the ‘ZIE Server Detail' section of the Advanced tab within the Preferences.

  • Web Server Details: The URL of the Web Server from where Z and I Emulator for Windows installer or fix pack file will be downloaded for installation. Z and I Emulator for Windows prompts the user with a Pop-Up message for an Auto-Upgrade, if a newer version of ZIEWin is available on the Web Server. Upon receiving a confirmation from the user to upgrade, the latest version of installer or fix pack will be installed on the system by Z and I Emulator for Windows Session Manager ONLINE.
  • Config Server: URL of the Application Server/Embedded Server, on which interoperability module (.war file) is deployed. It can be deployed on the Embedded Server or on any configured Application Server.

    Example: http://< IP >/<Configured context root of the application>

    For more information on ZIEWeb - ZIEWin interoperability and common parameters, refer to Interoperability between HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows and HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Clients

  • Config Server Port: Port number of Application Server where interoperability module (.war file) is deployed. Example: 9080.
  1. Configure the ZIE Server Settings during the GUI installation of ZIEWIN

    During the installation in the “ZIE Server Details” install panel user can configure the “Web Server URL”, “Config Server” and “Config Server Port” fields. User may skip configuration during the installation and can configure using “Preferences” utility after installation.

    ZIE Server settings Configuration during GUI installation
    Figure : ZIE Server Details section in the ‘InstallShield Wizard' of ZIEWin.
  2. Configure the ZIE Server Settings using “Preferences” utility

    In the “Preferences” utility, go to “Advanced” tab to find the section “ZIE Server Details”, user can configure the fields “Web Server URL”, “Config Server” and “Config Server Port” here. Please refer to the figure below.

    ZIE Server settings Configuration using Preferences utility
    Figure : License Manager Server and ZIE Server Details section within the Advanced tab of Preferences utility in ZIEWin.