Session Manager Menu

The following options are available from the Session Manager menu.
Change Directory
The user run files that are stored in a directory other than the Z and I Emulator for Windows Application Data directory.
This option allows the user to copy sessions or batch files to the Z and I Emulator for Windows Application Data directory. Afterwards, the imported files is displayed in the Session Manager dialog.
This option shows all valid workstation profiles that have the standard .WS extension and are located in the Application Data directory.
Multiple Sessions
This option shows all valid batch files that are have the standard .BCH extension and are located in the Application Data directory.
All File Extensions
This option shows all valid multiple sessions and workstation profiles that are located in the Application Data directory, regardless of extension.
This option shows files that have been previously hidden using the right-click menu option. If this option is selected, hidden sessions are shown with black-and-white icons; otherwise, they will not be displayed.
Large Icons
This option shows large session icons in the Session Manager.
Small Icons
This option shows small session icons in the Session Manager.
The following session detail information is displayed in the panel columns. The columns can be resized as needed.
  • File Name
  • File extension
  • Type (session or batch file)
  • Description (shows the information specified in the Description= field in the .WS file)
  • The following session information is not shown for batch files.
    • Host Name
    • Host Type (shows the host type specified in the Customize Communication dialog during session configuration)
    • Interface (shows the interface specified in the Customize Communication dialog during session configuration)
    • Attachment (shows the attachment specified in the Customize Communication dialog during session configuration)
    • Session Type (printer or display)
  • Modified (indicates the last modification date/time of the file)
If the user manually copy a session or batch file into the Application Data directory, the user must refresh the Session Manager view in order to see the new files.
The users can Upgrade to the latest RefreshPack via Session Manager (Online/Offline).
The users can do the Rollback of installed RefreshPack via Session Manager (Online/Offline).
Detect and Repair
Detect and Repair might be automatically initiated if the Z and I Emulator for Windows installation is corrupted. This function uses Windows Installer to repair damage to the installed product. The user may be prompted for the installation source or image. User must be authorized in the System Policy to use this option. See Detect and Repair for more information about this feature.