Contacting HCL

This section lists ways you can reach HCL in case you encounter a problem or concern with Z and I Emulator for Windows. Depending on the nature of your problem or concern, we ask that you be prepared to provide the following information to allow us to serve you better.
  • The environment in which the problem occurs:
    • Z and I Emulator for Windows configuration
      • Z and I Emulator for Windows version and manufacturing refresh level
      • The name of the workstation profile
    • Workstation configuration
      • The machine type and model, the system memory, the video adapter
      • The communication adapter you are using
      • Other adapters (especially communication adapters) installed
      • The printer type and model
      • Other devices installed, such as sound cards, modems, or fax machines
    • Software configuration
      • Windows® version and level
      • Communication and device-driver version and level
      • Other communication programs (such as Microsoft® or Microsoft® Data Link Control) that are running and using resources
      • Printer driver version and level
    • Host configuration
      • The upstream host connection and configuration
  • Problem analysis information
    • Symptoms
    • Type of problem
    • OIA messages or error messages (if any)
    • Key factors related to the problem

If you have a technical problem, take the time to review and carry out the actions suggested here. Use your local support personnel before contacting HCL. You can also check the Hints and Tips at the Z and I Emulator for Windows support Web page for more information. Only persons with in-depth knowledge of the problem should contact HCL; therefore, support personnel should act as the interface with HCL.

For information about problem analysis tools, refer to Emulators User's Reference for Z and I Emulator for Windows Version 3.0. This reference also provides detailed, specific emulator information about printing, file and data transfer, node operations, and other topics.