Command line options for PCSWS.EXE

You can use the following options when creating or modifying a batch file.

  • To specify which view should be used during a session, add the command /V=myview, where myview is the name of the previously saved view:
     C:\ZIEWin\PCSWS.EXE C:\AppData\LAN1.WS /V=myview 
    If the specified view does not exist, the command is ignored. See Managing Emulator Sessions for information on how to save a view.
  • To suppress the HCL logo when you start one or more sessions, add the parameter /Q to the first command in the batch file:
     C:\ZIEWin\PCSWS.EXE C:\AppData\TCPIP1.WS /Q
    where C:\ZIEWin\ is the directory where you have Z and I Emulator for Windows installed, and C:\AppData\ is the Application Data directory.
  • To start a session as an icon, not as a window, add the parameter /I to the command in the batch file:
      C:\ZIEWin\PCSWS.EXE C:\AppData\LAN1.WS /I
    where C:\ZIEWin\ is the directory where you have Z and I Emulator for Windows installed, and C:\AppData\ is the Application Data directory.
  • To start a hidden session, not as an icon or a window, add the parameter /H to the command in the batch file:
      C:\ZIEWin\PCSWS.EXE C:\AppData\LAN1.WS /H
    where C:\ZIEWin\ is the directory where you have Z and I Emulator for Windows installed, and C:\AppData\ is the Application Data directory.
  • To start a session with a specific short session ID (session letter), insert the parameter /S=m after PCSWS.EXE in the batch file:
      C:\ZIEWin\PCSWS.EXE /S=m C:\AppData\LAN1.WS
    where C:\ZIEWin\ is the directory where you have Z and I Emulator for Windows installed, m is the short session ID, and C:\AppData\ is the Application Data directory.
  • To start a macro after the session start, add the parameter /M to the command in the batch file:
     C:\ZIEWin\PCSWS.EXE C:\AppData\LAN1.WS /M=mymacro 
    where C:\ZIEWin\ is the directory where you have Z and I Emulator for Windows installed, C:\AppData\ is the Application Data directory,
    is the profile, and
    is the Z and I Emulator for Windows macro/script file name.

    If the specified macro/script does not exist, there will be a pop up with "PCSKBD400- The file: <macro name> is not a Z and I Emulator for Windows macro/script-file."

  1. If you use the /S option to assign A as the short session ID, you should use this option for all of the sessions in the batch file. Otherwise, if another session starts first, it becomes the A Session and the session with the /S=a option will not start because of the conflicting short session IDs. Another way to prevent conflicts is to assign a character later in the alphabet for the short session ID.
  2. Several parameters can be specified for controlling the particular characteristics for starting sessions; the switch values are designated by a single character.