

These programs are provided on an as-is basis without any warranty of any kind, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which are expressly disclaimed.

Figure iseriesconn missing
iSeries Connection Configuration
Use this icon if you want to define connections to each iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 host that will use the data transfer function.

Figure pcsmc2vb missing
Convert Macro
Use this icon to convert an existing Z and I Emulator for Windows macro to an XML or VBScript file.

Figure wmdata missing
Data Transfer (iSeries only)
Use this icon to transfer data between a workstation and an iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 database.

Figure wmmlts missing
Multiple Sessions
Use this icon to create batch files (.BCH), which can specify multiple emulator sessions (workstation profiles) or other supported Windows® programs that you want to start concurrently. You can create an icon for each batch file and start the programs just by clicking the icon.

Figure pcsupm missing
Use this icon if you want to set up or change the user preferences, such as changing the user interface language.

Figure wmziprt missing
ZipPrint (3270 only)
Use this icon to start the ZipPrint program, which allows you to print host system files or screens, PROFS® notes, calendars, and documents, CMS files, and XEDIT workspaces. When started, ZipPrint adds an item to the menu bar of the session window.
FTP Client
Use this icon to start the Z and I Emulator for Windows FTP client application, which allows files and directories upload and download, and directory navigation of local and remote file systems running FTP servers.